Anna university internal marks

Anna university internal marks

Students can check Anna university internal marks : Anna University Chennai usually asks its affiliated colleges to conduct internal exams (Assessment exam) to the students in a regular interval.

Each semester as per schedule the colleges should conduct three internal exam (Assessment exam).

The marks scored by the students are uploaded to the Anna university portal by the concern staff in the colleges. The marks are considered with the attendance percentage of the students.

Finally converting the internal marks to 20 and adding is to the external exam mark that the student write. Engineering students usually write the semester for hundred marks.

These marks are converted to eighty marks. And the internal marks scored out of twenty will be add to it.

Anna University usually does not provided the internal marks of the students directly. As they provide only the final score it is impossible for students to identify the internal marks.

The officials from the University has planned to publish the internal score of the students separately.

Find Minimum Internal Mark and External Mark To Pass

Calculate your Anna university internal marks:

Find your Internal exam marks / Assessement exam marks

Student / Faculty Login – CLICK HERE for COE1 Anna University Web Portal

Logging in leads to

Step 1

Anna university internal marks step 1

Step 2 click the assessment to get  attendance record and the assessment mark (out of 100)

How to log into Anna university students profile:

  1. Copy the link and paste it in a new window
  2. Enter the register number in the student login and date of birth with correct captcha
  3. Click the internal mark tab to see the student internal mark for each subject
  4. Seems like the internal mark for 100 marks you can convert it for 20 marks by dividing it with 5

How does this internal mark works:
  1. First of all to clear a semester exam a student must get at least score 50 marks in total of external and internal.
  2. If a students get 45 marks in external out of 100 while converting it to 80 the mark will reduce to 36.
  3. When a student gets 36 out of 80 marks in the external and 14 out of 20 marks in the internal  then he/she is pass.
  4. If the grand total doesn’t exceed 50 then he/she is fail.

Note: Parents can also view the internal marks, attendance and other information regarding their son or daughter performance.

Other links:

Anna University 2013 Regulation Syllabus All department

Anna University 2017 Regulation Syllabus All department

CGPA / GPA Calculator 2017 Regulation

CGPA / GPA Calculator 2013 Regulation


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