COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Department Subjects Regulation 2017

COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Department Subjects Regulation 2017

Semester 1

MA8151 – Engineering Mathematics 1

PH8151 – Engineering Physics

CY8151 – Engineering Chemistry

GE8151 – Problem Solving and Python Programming

GE8152 – Engineering Graphics

Semester 2

MA8251 – Engineering Mathematics 2

PH8252 Physics for Information Science Notes

BE8255 Basic Electrical Electronics and Measurement Engineering Notes

GE8291 Environmental Science and Engineering Notes

CS8251 Programming in C Notes

Semester 3 Computer Science and Engineering CSE Regulation 2017 Notes:

MA8351 Discrete Mathematics Notes

CS8351 Digital Principles and System Design dpsd Notes

CS8391 Data Structures Notes

CS8392 Object Oriented Programming Notes

EC8395 Communication Engineering Notes

Semester 4 Computer Science and Engineering CSE Regulation 2017 Notes:

MA8402 Probability and Queueing Theory Notes

CS8491 Computer Architecture Notes

CS8492 Database Management Systems Notes

CS8451 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Notes

CS8493 Operating Systems Notes

CS8494 Software Engineering Notes

Semester 5 Computer Science and Engineering CSE Regulation 2017 Notes:

MA8551 Algebra and Number Theory Notes

CS8591 Computer Networks Notes

EC8691 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Notes

CS8501 Theory of Computation Notes

CS8592 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Notes

Semester 6 Computer Science and Engineering CSE Regulation 2017 Notes:

CS8651 Notes Internet Programming

CS8691 Notes Artificial Intelligence

CS8601 Notes Mobile Computing

CS8602 Notes Compiler Design

CS8603 Notes Distributed Systems

Semester 7 Computer Science and Engineering CSE Regulation 2017 Notes:

MG8591 Notes Principles of Management

CS8792 Notes Cryptography and Network Security

CS8791 Notes Cloud Computing

Semester 8 Computer Science and Engineering CSE Regulation 2017 Notes:
