Upon completion of this course,
- Students will gain knowledge on the basics of properties of matter and its applications,
- The students will acquire knowledge on the concepts of waves and optical devices and their applications in fibre optics,
- Students will have adequate knowledge on the concepts of thermal properties of materials and their applications in expansion joints and heat exchanges.
- Due to this, students will get knowledge on advanced physics concepts of quantum theory and its applications in tunneling microscopes, and the students will understand the basics of crystals, their structures and different crystal growth techniques.
Text books that Anna university prefer according to the syllabus are listed below:
1. Bhattacharya, D.K. & Poonam, T. “Engineering Physics”. Oxford University Press, 2015.
2. Gaur, R.K. & Gupta, S.L. “Engineering Physics”. Dhanpat Rai Publishers, 2012.
3. Pandey, B.K. & Chaturvedi, S. “Engineering Physics”. Cengage Learning India, 2012.
1. Halliday, D., Resnick, R. & Walker, J. “Principles of Physics”. Wiley, 2015.
2. Serway, R.A. & Jewett, J.W. “Physics for Scientists and Engineers”. Cengage Learning, 2010.
3. Tipler, P.A. & Mosca, G. “Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics’. W.H.Freeman, 2007.
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