Syllabus for B Arch Regulation 2013

Syllabus for B Arch Regulation 2013

B Arch is a unique department in Anna University. This department has no subject connection with other departments in anna University and its affiliated collages. As a result B arch program normally take 5 years or 10 semester to complete. The syllabus of B Arch regulation 2013 is available in this post. In conclusion for more details download syllabus from the link provided at the bottom of the post.

Syllabus for B Arch Regulation 2013

The first semester in B arch four theory subjects and three subjects in the studio Whereas theory subjects like maths, History of Architecture and Culture 1, Theory of Architecture 1, Building Materials 1 each carry three credits points. Studio subjects like Architectural Drawing 1, Art Studio also carries three points whereas Basic Design carries a maximum credit points of six.

Second semester for B arch has total of seven papers among which four theory and three studio papers. The paper like Mechanics of Structures 1, History of Architecture and Culture 2, Theory of Architecture 2, Building Materials 2. Studio courses like Building Construction 1, Architectural Drawing 2 carries three points whereas Architectural Design1 carries six credits.

Third semester in B arch has a net credit value of 25 of the seven subjects three are for studio and four for theory.

Subjects like Mechanics of Structures 2, History of Architecture and Culture 3, Climate and Built Environment, Building Materials 3, Computer Aided Visualisation, Building Construction 2 each have three points whereas Architectural Design 2 have seven points.

Fourth semester has a subject Building Services 1 that comes under theory cum studio. Which is allotted with 3 credits. Theory subjects like Design of Structures – I, History of Architecture and Culture – IV, Environmental Science Building Materials – IV and studio papers like Building Construction – III carry 3 credit points. Whereas Architectural Design – III is allotted with seven points.

Fifth semester have Design of Structures – II, History of Architecture and Culture – V and a elective paper which student can select as per their own wish. Theory cum studio papers in fifth semester are Building Services – II, Site Analysis and Planning. The studio papers are Building Construction – IV and Architectural Design – IV. As a result The net total credits of 5th semester is 25.

Sixth semester have two elective paper and two theory paper. Course title are Design of Structures – III, History of Architecture and Culture – VI. Theory cum studio in this semester has only one paper Building Services – III. As a result studio paper are Architectural Design Development, Architectural Design – V

Seventh and eighth semester has only practical training that has 10 points.

The ninth semester has five theory paper among that two paper are elective. Subjects like Specifications and Estimation, Human Settlements Planning, Professional Practice and Ethics. The theory cum studio has only one paper Urban Design and for practicals Architectural Design – VI.

In conclusion of B arch the tenth semester is the final semester. The students need to submit thesis of their work. Which is allotted seventeen points and one elective paper which carries three points.

Finally to know the details of the elective paper and other subject download the syllabus.




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